3 tips for dealing with post-lockdown anxiety

3 tips for dealing with post-lockdown anxiety

Feeling anxious about life after lockdown? Most of us probably can’t wait, but others will have got comfortable with the routine of working from home and less obligations. Personally I’ve loved the simplicity and solitude, but miss the freedom to travel and visiting family.

The first thing is acceptance. It’s going to change whether we like it or not. But what we resist, persists, and stops us finding the new opportunities.

Trust the process. None of us could have imagined what would happen this time last year. We’ve been there before and we’ll get through it again.

Finally, write a list of all the positive things and changes you made during lockdown that you can take forwards. Gradual changes make it feel much less overwhelming.

Any other tips you’d add? Let me know in the comments below! 

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